Rhythm Youth is the Junior High and High School community at Rhythm Church. We are committed to creating a place where young people can belong, grow, and encounter God. We gather every Wednesday night from 6:30pm-8:30pm. We believe that God has great plans for our Youth now and our desire is to equip the next generation to step into God's purpose for their life. We hope that together we can help our students place their identity in Jesus, discover their purpose, find true freedom and live an abundant life.

Rhythm Youth Nights

Check out what Rhythm Youth nights are looking like on Wednesday nights!

Our Tuesday night experience is geared to help our students connect with their peers, develop relationships with caring christian adults and grow in their faith. Each week we spend some time studying the bible and engaging God though worship. We also spend time in small groups discussing the message and applying biblical truth to our everyday lives. Students can expect to have fun, be welcomed and be encouraged from a message from scripture.

Stay updated with us throughout the year on Instagram

For questions about Youth ministry at Rhythm Church please contact our Youth Pastor James Cavalier.